Roughly Half of Desktop Display Ads in the US Were Viewable in Q1

June 6, 2016

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comScore-Desktop-Display-Viewability-Rates-in-Q1-2016-June2016The majority of desktop display ads worldwide were not viewable in Q1 2016, reports comScore in its recently-released Global Advertising Benchmarks [download page]. Viewability across the countries tracked ranged from a low of 39% in Australia to a high of 50% in Canada, with the US’ rate coming in at 48%. Separately, Integral Ad Science reports that 52% of display ads in the US were viewable in Q1. That’s per the MRC standard, with Integral noting that ads placed through publisher direct buys attained a higher rate of viewability (59.8%) than those placed programmatically (50.1%), despite the latter’s quarter-over-quarter increase.

The Integral Ad Science report also finds that Australia had the lowest viewability rate of the 5 countries it measured, though unlike the comScore report, indicates that France had the highest rate.

Meanwhile, 40.4% of global video ads were in view as per the MRC standard, says Integral Ad Science. ComScore comes to largely the same conclusion, with its report detailing a global video viewability rate of 41%. The firm attributes the lower video viewability mostly to sophisticated invalid traffic on programmatic exchanges, where video is common. Indeed, the Integral report reveals that video viewability was far higher for ads placed through publisher direct (59.3%) than through programmatic means (35.5%).

High-value video advertising attracts the most invalid traffic (IVT), says comScore, also showing that video ads on programmatic exchanges have IVT rates that are 4.5 times larger than direct buys (9% vs. 2%) in the US.

About the Data: The comScore data is based on comScore vCE benchmarks for Q1 2016.

The Integral Ad Science report is based on an analysis of “hundreds of billions of impressions” processed on a quarterly basis.


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