Entertainment Top Brand Category on Twitter, Facebook

August 5, 2011

performics-social-media-influence-on-brands-aug11.gifEntertainment is the brand category most followed/liked on both Twitter and Facebook, according to an August 2011 study from Performics and ROI Research. Data from “S-Net, The Impact of Social Media” indicates 46% of brand fans on both social networks are fans of at least one brand in the entertainment category.

While the top five brand categories are the same on both social networks, there is some variation in how the next four categories are ranked. After entertainment, Twitter users are most likely to follow brands in the restaurants, food, electronics, and apparel categories. In contrast, Facebook users are most likely to like brands in the food, restaurants, apparel, and electronics categories.

CPG Fans Want Discounts

performics-brand-categories-coupons-aug-2011.JPGLooking at the combined brand fan habits of both Twitter and Facebook users, the study shows many users follow/like brands for the purpose of obtaining coupons and discounts. Two-thirds (67%) of CPG/personal care brand fans seek coupons/discounts, as do 65% of household brand fans and 63% of food brand fans.

Other categories where half or more of Twitter/Facebook fans seek coupons/discounts are healthcare/pharma, restaurants, travel, apparel, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Appliance Fans Seek Advice

The highest percentage of Twitter and Facebook users who follow or like a brand to seek advice is found in the appliance category (46%). This is closely followed by electronics (42%). Other leading categories for advice seekers include financial services (39%), healthcare/pharma (34%) and telecommunications (33%).

Financial Services Tops in Customer Service

The study shows that relatively low percentages of Twitter/Facebook users follow/like brands for the purpose of connecting with customer service. However, a leading 30% follow/like brands in the financial services category for this reason, followed by auto and educational institution brands.

Other Findings

  • 52% of respondents strongly or somewhat agree that voicing opinions on social networking sites can influence business decisions of companies/brands.
  • 31% of overall respondents purchase more from companies/brands that they like/follow than from brands/companies they do not.
  • 74% who purchase entertainment products discuss them on social networks.
  • 42% discuss automobiles on social networking sites to compare prices.
  • 32% have made a sports-related product purchase as a result of seeing something posted on a social network.

Price Comparison Top Reason for SocNet Discussion

Comparing prices is the top reason online consumers discuss a product, service, company or brand on social networking sites, according to April 2011 data from ROI Research and Performics which indicates 59% of online consumers discuss price comparison occasionally or frequently on social networks, the highest percentage for any reason the study offered. The number two reason for discussing a product on a social networking site, talking about sales and specials (56%), is also price-related.


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