iPad, iPhone Users Trend Younger, Wealthier

August 5, 2010

Users of the iPad and iPhone mobile devices, based on the iOS platform, tend to be younger and wealthier than typical mobile subscribers, according to a recent survey by The Nielsen Company.

25-36 Key Age for iOS Device Users
Only about 15% of iPad users are more than 56 years old compared to 33% of all mobile subscribers. However, while more than 10% of both iPad and iPhone users are 18-24, compared to less than 10% of all mobile subscribers, the most substantial difference occurs in the 25-36 age bracket.

About 40% of iPad users and 30% of iPhone users fall into the 25-36 category, compared to about 20% of all mobile subscribers.


40% of iOS Device Users Make $75K-plus
About 50% of both iPad and iPhone users earn $75,000 or more annually. Within this income bracket, slightly more iPad users than iPhone users earn more than $100,000 annually.

In contrast, about 30% of all mobile subscribers earn more than $75,000 annually, with a much smaller proportion earning $100,000 or more than the proportion of iOS device users. Divided into featurephone and smartphone users, the income demographics of featurephone users are similar to those of overall mobile subscribers. However, about 45% of smartphone users (which includes iOS device users) earn $75,000 or more annually, with roughly the same proportion earning more than $100,000 annually as iOS device users.

iOS Device Users Plan Future iPhone Purchases
Twenty-five percent of likely smartphone upgraders who have not yet owned an iPhone or iPad, indicate that they would purchase an Apple iPhone as their next smartphone. But iPad owners who do not have an iPhone were asked this same question, this number more than doubled to 51%.


Nielsen says this indicates exposure to Apple’s iOS creates a very positive pre-disposition to purchasing an iPhone. The same effect occurs when comparing current iPhone owners, of whom an industry-leading 85% indicate that they would purchase another iPhone as their next smartphone. And a commanding 91% of likely smartphone upgraders who already own both an iPhone and iPad want an iPhone next.

iPhone, Android Show Growth
The iPhone and Android mobile operating systems (OS) are both increasing their share of the US smartphone market, according to other recent data from The Nielsen Company. While Android only held 13% market share as of Q2 2010, this represents significant growth from 9% as recently as Q1 2010. iPhone showed slight growth from Q2 2010, maintaining second place with 28% market share.


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