‘Made in America’ Boosts Purchase Appeal

October 11, 2010

Three in five Americans (61%) say they are more likely to purchase something when the ad promotes it as “Made in America,” according to the results of a new Adweek Media/Harris Poll.

Few Turned Off By ‘Made in America’
In addition to six in 10 Americans having an increased likelihood of purchase when a product is presented as made in America, only 3% are less likely to purchase such a product. The vast majority of Americans who are not prompted to buy products made in their homeland are neither more nor less likely to buy them (37%).


Older Americans More Patriotic Shoppers
Age plays a role with how likely someone is to buy American; the older one is, the more likely they are to do so. Three-quarters of (75%) US adults 55 and older say an ad emphasizing a product is “Made in America” would make them more likely to buy that product; as would two-thirds (66%) of those 45-54 and three in five (61%) of those 35-44.

This number drops considerably for the youngest Americans, with just 44% of those ages 18-34 saying an ad emphasizing a product is “Made in America” would make them more likely to purchase it; while more than half (52%) say it would make them neither more nor less likely to do so.

Midwesterners Prefer Made in America
There is also a regional difference in increased likelihood to buy products made in America. Perhaps reflecting the Midwest’s historic prominence in American manufacturing, two-thirds of Midwesterners (67%) say they are more likely to purchase a product when an ad emphasizes it is “Made in America.” This drops to six in ten Southerners (61%) and Easterners (60%), and just more than half of Westerners (57%) who say the same.

It is worth noting that no age or regional demographic has more than a 5% response in the less likely to purchase segment.

About the Data: This Adweek Media/Harris Poll was conducted online within the United States between July 27 and 29, 2010 among 2,163 adults (aged 18 and over). Figures for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, region and household income were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Where appropriate, this data were also weighted to reflect the composition of the adult online population. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents’ propensity to be online.


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