Most Engaging Mobile Rich Media Ad Features Seen Under-Utilized

December 18, 2012

Celltra-Mobile-Rich-Media-Ad-Features-in-Q3-Dec2012The most commonly used mobile rich media ad features generated below-average engagement rates in Q3, while the less popular location-based and gaming features saw much higher engagement rates, finds Celtra in its latest Rich Media Monitor Report. Video appeared in a leading 45% of the campaigns analyzed, but engagement rate fell below the 13.7% average, at 9.6%. By contrast, location-based features, used in just 7% of campaigns, saw an engagement rate of 18.8%, up 185% from Q2.

Similarly, gaming features, included in just 5% of campaigns, proved more engaging (13.9% engagement rate) than branding and presentation features, used in 18% of campaigns, with a 9.3% engagement rate. Of note, social media features were used in just 2% of campaigns, and had the lowest engagement rate, of 8%.

Expansion Rate Higher on Smartphones than Tablets

The study also analyzes ad expansion rates, identifying the factors that performed above and below the average rate of 0.84%. (Ad expansion is defined as “the number of times the expanded unit has been requested to be shown, regardless of whether it was shown subsequently.” The rate therefore measures the ratio of expansions to the number of ad impressions.)

The ad expansion rate on smartphones was almost double that of tablets (0.88% vs. 0.45%). In other comparisons, animated banners performed better than static banners (0.89% vs. 0.79%) and clear expansion calls-to-action better than no expansion calls-to-action (0.88% vs. 0.54%).

Overall, expandable ads comprised 49% of all the rich media mobile ads tracked (down from 67% in Q2), with the remainder being interstitial (28%) and banner (23%) ads.

Other Findings:

  • The 13.7% engagement rate in Q3 represented an almost 1% point increase from Q2’s 12.8%.
  • iOS accounted for 58% of rich media mobile ads, up from 55% in Q2.
  • Ad engagement rate was higher on expandable (14.5%) than interstitial (11.9%) ads. But, click-through rates (CTR) were higher on interstitial (10.2%) ads than expandable (8%) ads, with banner (1.4%) ads trailing distantly. The average CTR was 6.7%.
  • The average time spent on an ad unit was 32 seconds.
  • The most popular exit destination was visiting a mobile website (58%). Downloading an application (23%), getting a ticket (16%), and getting a coupon (3%) were less popular.

About the Data: Celtra’s Q3 Mobile Rich Media Monitor Report represents data gathered from 170 handset and tablet campaigns.


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