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The State of Email Marketing in 2021

The State of Email Marketing in 2021

[Sponsored by Validity] How do you compare to other email marketers right now? Our new report provides you six key findings you can use to benchmark your performance and further clarify your 2021 strategy to stay ahead of the curve. Inside, you'll find: Key areas...

Disruption: How The 2020 Pandemic Changed Email

Disruption: How The 2020 Pandemic Changed Email

[Sponsored by Validity] We've spent much of this year watching trends in email, analyzing patterns, and working to understand how the 2020 pandemic is changing email marketing. Our analysis over the past 8 months uncovers key shifts in how companies use email to reach...

2020 Email Deliverability Benchmark

2020 Email Deliverability Benchmark

[Sponsored by Validity] Now more than ever, as budgets shift to digital channels, marketers must trust in email to communicate with their audiences. But because of poor email practices, one in six emails usually never reach the inbox. How does your email program...


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