How People Discover Streaming Video Content Articles

Conviva How People Discover Streaming Video Content Oct2021

The percentage of respondents (US adults who use social media as well as watch TV or other video content through internet streaming, and watch linear TV) who reported discovering streaming video content through the following activities:

  • “Discovered by chance”
  • “Saw an ad on TV”
  • “Recommended by friend or family”
  • “Recommended while watching a streaming service”
  • “Friends were talking about it in person”
  • “Read or heard a review”
  • “Saw an ad on social media”
  • “Friends were talking about it on social media”
  • “Recommended by a friend on social media”
  • “Post from a TV network or streaming service I follow on social media”
  • “Saw a cast member talk about it on TV”
  • “Recommended by a celebrity or influencer on social media”
  • “Recommended in an email from a streaming service”
  • “Heard an ad for it on the radio or during a podcast”
  • “Saw an ad for it in a paper or magazine”

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