Latino Podcast Listeners Respond to Ads

September 12, 2022

The percentage of US Latinos ages 18 and older who have ever listened to a podcast continues to rise, reaching 59% this year from 56% last year and 45% in 2020, according to the “Latino Podcast Listener Report 2022” [pdf] from Edison Research. The study reveals that about half (51%) of US Latino adults have ever listened to a podcast that was mostly in English, while one-third (33%) have ever listened to one that was mostly in Spanish.

The percentage of Latino adults who have listened to a podcast in the past month stands this year at 34%, down slightly from last year’s 36% and trailing the 38% of the US adult population overall, according to separate results cited in the report. Nonetheless, previous figures from Edison Research indicate that Hispanic adults comprise 16% of monthly podcast listeners this year, up from 11% last year. Nielsen research from last year, for its part, suggests that Hispanic adults are over-represented in the podcast audience.

Meanwhile, Edison Research’s latest study reveals that 27% of Latino adults report listening to a podcast in the last week.

Looking further at the composition of Latino monthly podcast listeners, the report indicates that:

  • 53% are men, compared to 58% last year;
  • 47% are ages 18-34, down from 48% last year and 50% in 2020; and
  • 48% are US-born 1st generation (at least one immigrant parent), while one-quarter were born outside of the US.

Podcast Language and Advertising

Among US Latino monthly podcast listeners, 38% listened to a podcast hosted by Latinos within the previous week, while a further 28% most recently listened to a podcast hosted by Latinos within the prior month. The two-thirds (66%) combined who listened to such a podcast within the previous month is up from 62% last year.

The survey’s results indicate that advertising in podcasts can be fruitful. Roughly 7 in 10 (69% of) Latino monthly podcast listeners say they’ve at some point gathered more information about a company or product as a result of hearing a sponsorship or ad on a podcast they regularly listen to. About two-thirds (66%) have recommended a product to a friend or family remember due to a sponsorship or ad, while 55% have ever purchased a product or service and 52% have used a promotional or discount code mentioned in the podcast.

These actions taken in response to hearing a sponsorship or ad on a podcast regularly listened to were far higher among those who had listened to a podcast hosted by Latinos in the previous month than among those who had listened to one more than a month prior or never.

Examining podcast languages further, the study shows that 90% of Latino monthly podcast listeners have ever listened to a podcast that was mostly in English, compared to 64% who had ever listened to one that was mostly in Spanish.

Among those who have listened to Spanish-language podcasts, 36% said that all of them had ads, while an additional 40% said that most of them did. Restricting the sample to those monthly listeners who listen to Spanish-language podcasts with ads, 34% of this group said that all of the ads they hear are in Spanish, while another 40% said that most of them are. There doesn’t appear to be a real preference for ad languages, though: 53% said they prefer to listen to ads on Spanish-language podcasts in both English and Spanish, while 21% said they prefer them entirely in Spanish and 17% entirely in English.

These preferences do vary, though. Those born in the US were more likely than those born outside the US to prefer to listen to ads on Spanish-language podcasts in both English and Spanish (55% and 46%, respectively), while the latter group was much more likely to prefer to listen to them entirely in Spanish (36% vs. 15%). Hearing English ads on Spanish-language podcasts is only bothersome to a small minority of either group, while listeners born in the US are about twice as likely as those born outside the US to say it’s more interesting to them to hear the ads in English.

For more, check out the report here.

About the Data: The results are based on online surveys conducted in June among 2,500+ US Hispanic/Latino adults ages 18+.


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