Kids Say Their Purchase Decisions Are Swayed More by Social Media Influencers Than by Family

October 25, 2019

The amount of money spent advertising to kids has been steadily rising in recent years, with digital channels take an increasing role. Among those digital channels is social media – and a recent study [download page] of more than 4,000 kids between the ages of 6-16-years-old by Wunderman Thompson has shown that influencers are making their mark with kids.

Not surprisingly, peers are the biggest influencers for kids, with about 3 in 10 (28%) of respondents saying that their friends are the most influential when deciding what they’d like to buy. Family members also have a say as the top influence on buying decisions for 21% share of respondents – but somewhat remarkably they fall behind influencers.

Indeed, one-quarter (25% share) of the kids surveyed say their preference for what to buy is influenced most by influencers or bloggers on social media channels such as Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat.

Younger consumers such as US teens (ages 12-17 years old) are spending more time on YouTube than cable TV, and likely getting a dose of influencer-suggested purchases. But it’s worthwhile bearing in mind the regulatory landscape that limits digital advertising options. For example, Bloomberg recently reported that YouTube will cease offering targeted ad options, after being informed that this might conflict with the Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPPA).

Indeed, it’s not only teens who are being influenced by online marketing. One-quarter (25%) of the youngest survey respondents (6-9-year-olds) and 26% of 10-12-year-olds say that social media influencers have sway over what they would like to buy.

Another factor that has an influence on the majority (66%) of the kids surveyed, is what good the company does for the world.

Corporate social responsibility appears to be a growing theme with the younger generation. Millennials also say their relationship with a company can be deepened if they know that company’s products have a positive impact on society or the environment.

Which Future Shopping Experiences Appeal?

The survey asked kids to indicate which of a number of future shopping methods they would most like to use in 10-20 years’ time. Although about 1 in 10 (11% share) of respondents would most like to be able to shop with their minds in the future, more already established shopping methods are likely to remain prevalent for the foreseeable future. About 1 in 5 (21% share of) respondents say they would like to shop with a mobile/tablet or computer screen, while 19% would still opt for a physical shop. Others say they would most like to shop through a voice assistant (9% share), AR or VR (8%), through the TV (6% share) or with machines that will order things automatically (6% share).

Although this age group appears heavily influenced by social media, only 5% say they would most like to shop through it.

The full report can be downloaded here.

About the Data: A total of 4,003 children (ages 6-16 years old) were interviewed online during July 2019. Half of the respondents were from the US with the other half being from the UK.


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