How Often Do US Smartphone Owners Check Their Devices?

July 13, 2015

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Gallup-US-Smartphone-Check-Frequency-July2015Source: Gallup

    Notes: Roughly half (52%) of US smartphone owners say they check their phone a few times an hour (41%) or every few minutes (11%), according to recently-released survey results from Gallup, with that figure rising to almost three-quarters (73%) of young (18-29) smartphone owners. Besides the age skew, the survey also finds men slightly more likely than women to frequently check their smartphones, and iPhone users similarly slightly more likely than Android owners.

    Overall, about 8 in 10 device owners surveyed said they keep their smartphone near them almost all the time during their waking hours.

      Related: US Smartphone Ownership and Leading Activities

        About the Data: The results are based on 15,747 members of the Gallup Panel who have smartphones, conducted April 17-May 18, 2015. The sample for the study was weighted to be demographically representative of the U.S. adult population, using 2012 Current Population Survey figures. The margin of error for results based on the sample is ±1% point at the 95% confidence level.


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