Interest in AR/VR for Shopping Comparatively Low in the US

July 8, 2021

YouGov Consumer Interest AR VR for Shopping June2021As e-commerce’s share of retail sales continues to grow across the globe, one thing that holds consumers back from shopping online more is not being able to physically experience products. So, what if shoppers were given the option to try products through augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR)? Would they do so? Here’s what a report [download page] from YouGov reveals.

Some 43% of consumers surveyed across 5 global markets say they would be interested in trying clothes they might buy in the next 12 months via AR/VR before making a purchase. More than one-third (36%) would be willing to try technologies or home appliances via AR/VR prior to purchase, while fewer are interested in trying out furniture (29%) or video games (20%) through this technology before buying.

Consumers in the Asia Pacific region, Mexico and UAE are more likely than average to be interested in trying products in these categories, especially when it comes to trying clothes (50%, 60% and 53%, respectively) and technologies/home appliances (46%, 51% and 46%, respectively). However, consumers in the US under-index across the board for interest in using AR/VR to try products they might buy in the next 12 months. Only 27% are interested in trying clothes via AR/VR, with fewer showing interest in trying technologies/home appliances (22%), furniture (23%) and video games (18%).

This below-average adoption of using AR/VR for shopping is not new. Back in 2019, GfK found that only one-quarter of US adults were likely to shop via AR/VR.

It will come as no surprise that younger consumers are more likely to be interested in trying items via AR/VR prior to purchasing. YouGov’s survey shows that 18-24-year-olds and 25-34-year-olds over-indexed across all product categories in their willingness to try via AR/VR before buying, with older consumers (55+) showing far less interest.

The full report can be found here.

About the Data: Findings are based on a Q1 2021 survey of 19,188 consumers across 17 markets.


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