Media Habits of “Mobile Ad-Friendly Shoppers”

March 28, 2014

Scarborough-Social-Habits-Mobile-Ad-Friendly-Shoppers-Mar2014Consumers may be generally receptive to the concept of mobile marketing, but not all are as favorable to advertising. According to new data released by Scarborough, about half of smartphone and tablet owners are willing to receive ads on their devices in exchange for services. Coupled with the finding that roughly one-quarter have shopped on their devices in the past year, Scarborough deduces that 13% of mobile Americans are “mobile ad-friendly shoppers.” So how to reach these shoppers?

Given that they skew young, it’s not surprising to see that this group can be reached by social media. About two-thirds use social networking sites on their smartphones and 35% on their tablets. They’re 26% more likely than mobile Americans (adults who own a smartphone or tablet) to spend at least 5 hours per day social networking, 35% more likely to say social media is very important for finding out about products and services, and 28% more likely to say social media is very important for showing support for their favorite companies or brands.

There are various ways to reach this group through traditional media, too. According to the research, mobile ad-friendly shoppers’ top newspaper daily sections are:

  • Main news/front page section (51%);
  • Local news section (47%); and
  • Advertising circulars/inserts/flyers (35%).

On the radio, their top formats are:

  • Pop contemporary hit (39%);
  • Country (26%);
  • Adult Contemporary (25%); and
  • Hot AC (25%).

Finally, on TV, the types of programs they typically watch are most likely to be:

  • Movies (74%);
  • Comedies (73%); and
  • Dramas (49%).

In other demographic details offered in the report, Scarborough notes that mobile ad-friendly shoppers skew higher-income than the average mobile owner and are 20% more likely than average to identify as black.

Mobile ad-friendly shoppers – likely due to their relative youth – are expecting big changes over the coming year, per the study. They’re:

  • 33% more likely than the average American mobile owner to plan to have a baby;
  • 34% more likely to plan to buy a home;
  • 47% more likely to plan to get married; and
  • 19% more likely to plan to look for a new job.

These plans affect everything from their children’s clothing purchase habits to viewing of real estate listings on mobile devices.

About the Data: Mobile Ad-Friendly Shoppers are defined as those who have used smartphone or tablet in the past 30 days for shopping and agree they’d be willing to receive ads on their phone in exchange for lower monthly costs, live TV or text messaging, or disagree that ads on phones are annoying.


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