Hispanics Seen Early Tech Adopters, Avid Mobile Users

October 5, 2016

pwc-consumer-tech-device-usage-hispanics-v-non-hispanics-oct2016Hispanics are more likely than their non-Hispanic counterparts to use a variety of tech devices, and the gap is particularly pronounced for emerging technologies, according to a PwC report [pdf]. The survey of adults aged 18-64 found Hispanics 40% more likely to have used a 4K TV in the prior 30 days (14% vs. 10%), 56% more likely to have used virtual reality glasses (14% vs. 9%), and twice as likely to have used a drone (8% vs. 4%).

Hispanics also led in past-30 days use of a variety of other devices, including iPads/tablets, gaming consoles, Bluetooth/wireless headphones, connected devices and wearables.

While Hispanics and non-Hispanics had equal rates of smartphone use (88% each), the survey reveals that Hispanics perform a greater variety of activities on their mobile devices than do non-Hispanics. These include:

  • Checking bank balance or paying a bill (77% doing at least weekly, versus 72% of non-Hispanics);
  • Using an application for location-based services (70% vs. 59%);
  • Purchasing merchandise from an online website (55% vs. 49%);
  • Purchasing movie/show tickets (43% vs. 31%); and
  • Transferring money via phone (39% vs. 33%).

It doesn’t come as much surprise that Hispanics are ahead in mobile banking activities, as annual research from the Federal Reserve consistently puts Hispanics ahead of the US adult average in mobile banking use.

Hispanics’ heavy mobile activity extends to video. Some 47% reported streaming video on their mobile devices more than once a day, well above the 36% of non-Hispanics. The gap was particularly large for females, as 47% of Hispanic females said they stream video more than once a day on their devices, compared to 27% of non-Hispanic females. Likewise, Hispanics are more likely than non-Hispanics to watch user-generated videos, stream video on-the-go, and watch TV at least once a day on their mobile devices.

The survey also found that Hispanics are more apt to like engaging with ads on social media than non-Hispanics (82% vs. 76%), with a significant difference also observed for the 18-24 demographic and for women. Social media platforms used regularly by a greater share of Hispanics than non-Hispanics include YouTube (70% vs. 61%), Instagram (45% vs. 40%), WhatsApp (28% vs. 18%), and Reddit (15% vs. 8%).

For a look at Hispanics’ audience share across 13 media types (including social platforms), see MarketingCharts’ US Media Audience Demographics report.

About the Data: The PwC data is based on a survey of 1,000 adults aged 18-64, split between Hispanics and non-Hispanics and split equally between men and women. Among the Hispanic respondents, 65% are US-born and 35% foreign-born.


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